About Us

Hands of Time Inc. was founded in 2003 by CEO and Mastermind, Faythe Pal. Our cosmic imagery represents the Hands of Time Inc. Universe, in which visions and ideas are brought to life and dreams become reality. The Hands of Time Inc. eye in hand logo is inspired by a motif that exists across many cultures, including Native American and Tibetan art. It depicts the merging of two worlds - the conceptual world of seeing and thinking, with the physical world of doing and acting. This is the perfect metaphor for what we do at Hands of Time Inc; we dare to dream new ideas and employ our expertise to realise their potential.

Hands of Time Inc. is dedicated to leaving a positive imprint on the world. Our mandate involves working with charitable causes and not-for-profit organizations that fit our corporate values. Faythe Pal sits on the board of directors for Breaking Down Barriers and has organized major fundraising events such as the annual Walk With Paul in Wasaga Beach and the Concerto Series in the Blue Mountain area. Other charities Hands of Time has worked with include the Toronto Wildlife Centre and Wasaga Beach Ministerial Food Bank. Our full service marketing agency, Off the Cuff Marketing, offers 60% off full pricing to charities and we often donate our products and services to noble causes.
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